Saturday 7 January 2012

Secrets to Inner Beauty

Did you know that what is going on on the inside is more important that what’s on the outside?

Beauty actually exudes from the inside out.  So enough for now about outer beauty and all the makeup and as sundries that you need to make you GORGEOUS. I wanted to share my thoughts on what you need to have going on on the inside, to help the outside GLOW!

-Positive thinking



-Appreciate Life and all the adventures it presents

-Indulge in the simple pleasures

We are not meant to be perfect! There is so much focus in the media with images thrust at us, of what we need to look like or weight.  Key to inner beauty is Accept you, and all of your flaws, that what makes you; Unique You!  Remember the Michael Jackson song, last sung at his funeral by his brother, Jermaine. “Smile” even though your heart may be breaking.    

Do the things that give YOU true pleasure. The problem, in my opinion is that there appears to be a link with pleasure and the ownership of stuff. There is a real problem in today’s society with the focus on outside pleasures primarily derived from “others” commending us, boosting our ego. Pleasure is about your ownership of your inner confidence.

My own personal journey with my search for inner beauty continues.  I can say that I am quite comfortable in my own head and do not rely on external stimulants . I am renowned for my ME times.  I often take a step back to have a moment away from all my commitments.

These times, I use to essentially gather my thoughts, enhance my understanding of a particular area of interest, and find my balance. I particularly love going to the Spa, shopping with headphones on blasting my music at the highest volume you could imagine; days out with my friends, or curled up on my couch looking out the window reflecting! 

I absolutely believe this helps me exude the peace and inner beauty that despite whatever my personal challenges, appears not to be visible to the outside world.

So my tip this week is, find the time to treat yourself .  It is vital that you do this as often as possible.  We all know the saying “Life’s’ short”, "Beauty is only skin deep "and all that! Ask yourself which is more important, your outer or inner beauty?.  LIVE WELL!

 U xoxo

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